The third formal information session conducted by SUG was on Market Trends in SAP. Our faculty advisor Prof. Lou Thompson began the session by welcoming the guest speaker and audience present. Followed by Mr. Vijay Mandiram who introduced himself and his colleagues to the audience again.
Vijay started his discussion by providing a brief overview of Miracle Software Systems and them being a silver partner of SAP. He discussed current market trends in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, Virtual Reality, and Chat Bots. The discussion then moved on to trends in S/4 HANA and an overview of SAP Leonardo. He provided more information on the success of SAP S/4 HANA, migration projects to HANA and convergence of the SAP analytical tools like SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Crystal Report, SAP Lumira, SAP Analysis for MS Office.
Mr. Ravi Chinthakayala took over the discussion. He started by explaining the students on how to kickstart with SAP by relying on resources like Open SAP, ASUG, SAP Learning Hub and YouTube SAP Channel. He further explained the difference between S/4 HANA and HANA and the troubles faced during the implementation.
Mr. Chakradhar Kothakappa continued the discussion by talking mostly on predictive analytics and his learnings as an intern at Miracle Software Systems. He further discussed his current project and what the client expects. He also provided tips on job search and how to improve your chance of landing into an internship.